Azure Webhook and Alert Tips

In the last 2 posts we looked at building an Azure Automation that would shutdown VMs that were underutilized using runbooks, alerts and webhooks. There was quite a lot of information packed into those posts and in this post I want to unpack a few learnings I discovered along the way and explain them a bit better than perhaps the Microsoft documentation does.

Tip 1: Alerts Can Use Different Schemas in Azure

Some of you probably picked up on this when looking over the code from Part 1 but there are several different schemas at play across different alert systems in Azure. In that post I used the AzureMonitorMetricAlert schema but there is also the AzureMonitorCommonAlertSchema, Microsoft.Insights/activityLogs and the original Metric Alert schema. This can make parsing the HTTP RequestBody a bit of a hassle if you don’t know what system is calling your runbook. You can learn a bit more in the documentation. Each of these schemas are similar but different so if you are trying to grab the VM name or resource group name you may have to use different logic depending on the schema being used.

For those of you that may have setup action groups to call runbooks in the Azure portal you may have noticed a note when configuring the runbook.

If this action is a user runbook and you are changing the schema type then you may need to adjust the user runbook to handle the new schema type. If this action is a built-in runbook then you can choose any schema type and the built-in runbook is already able to process it.

That note kind of sums up Tip 1 = Know what schema is calling your runbook

Tip 2: Fired Alerts Don’t Get Resolved Unless the System Resolves Them

This may make tons of sense to some of you but it didn’t to me right away and that was one of the reasons I stress that to get the signals and criteria correctily set for automatic shutdown may take some trial and error. Signals like “Average CPU” are monitored against a criteria you set. In the last post we used less than 5% average CPU usage over 15 minutes as our criteria. If that criteria is met the alert will fire and move into a “Fired” state, our webhook is called and the VM shuts down. All is good. But when the VM is restarted the alert stays in the Fired state until Azure Monitor resolves the alert. This happens when a least one of the conditions specified in your criteria is not longer met for 3 consecutive periods. What does this mean? It means just by turning on your stopped VM the alert is not going to be reset unless you have tweaked your signal and alert criteria to somehow catch the activity a VM goes through on startup. Otherwise your VM will need to do some kind of work in order for Azure Monitor to Resolve the alert. Once the alert is in a Resolved state it will then be ready to start monitoring your criteria again for shutdown.

In most real world scenarios this probably would work very well but as I was writing the last post and testing things out I would typically have to run a bit of a workload on my test VM to get the alert to resolve. There is no programmatic way for the alert to be resolved. Again, in the real world this probably works as expected. You bring the VM up do some work and that work would normally resolve your fired alert but if you are testing alerts for the first time you should be aware of the need to resolve the alert before it will fire again.

Tip 3: Runbooks are Executed Whenever an Alert is Fired or Resolved

This makes a lot of sense after you recognize it is happening but it caught me off-guard. You expect the runbook to be executed when an alert is moved into the Fired state but I didn’t expect my runbook to be executed when it moved to the Resolved state. Again this makes loads of sense in retrospect but didn’t initially. You need to add a bit of logic to your runbook that checks the status of the incoming alert. The runbook we created in the last post actually checks for a status of Fired before calling the logic to shutdown the VM. If you didn’t have that logic check in your runbook it would shutdown your VM when the alert switched to Resolved as well as when it moves to Fired.

This actually makes loads of sense since you may want to have actions that you take when your alert resolves just like you would when it fires but again it caught me off guard and was shutting down my VM when it alert moved from Fired to Resolved so be aware.

Tip 4: Webhooks Need Additional Security

If you were paying attention in the last post you can see that anyone could call our webhook URL and if they passed the right bit of JSON to our webhook URL they could shutdown our VM. Probably not what you want. The Webhook documentation calls this out …

The security of a webhook relies on the privacy of its URL, which contains a security token that allows the webhook to be invoked. Azure Automation does not perform any authentication on a request as long as it is made to the correct URL. For this reason, your clients should not use webhooks that perform sensitive operations without using an alternate means of validating the request.

Consider the following strategies: (From the MSFT docs)

  1. You can include logic within a runbook to determine if it is called by a webhook. Have the runbook check the WebhookName property of the WebhookData parameter. The runbook can perform further validation by looking for particular information in the RequestHeader and RequestBody properties.

  2. Have the runbook perform some validation of an external condition when it receives a webhook request. For example, consider a runbook that is called by GitHub any time there’s a new commit to a GitHub repository. The runbook might connect to GitHub to validate that a new commit has occurred before continuing.

  3. Azure Automation supports Azure virtual network service tags, specifically GuestAndHybridManagement. You can use service tags to define network access controls on network security groups or Azure Firewall and trigger webhooks from within your virtual network. Service tags can be used in place of specific IP addresses when you create security rules. By specifying the service tag name GuestAndHybridManagement in the appropriate source or destination field of a rule, you can allow or deny the traffic for the Automation service. This service tag does not support allowing more granular control by restricting IP ranges to a specific region.